Beaver Trust

Polly has recently become an Ambassador for the Beaver Trust. Here she gives a short introduction, with the help of an energetic little red squirrel.

Find out more at the Beaver Trust website.

Image © Clare Mackie

A Write Highland Hoolie 2023!

Mallaig’s Book Festival at The West Highland Hotel, Mallaig
10th-12th November 2023

We are looking forward to another fabulous line-up of authors and musicians as well as great food and ambience for this year’s Hoolie.  In 2019 we were thrilled to expand our events into both the local primary and High Schools and to work once again with Fort William’s superb independent Highland Bookshop.  

More exciting, dedicated children’s events are planned for this year, as well as our wonderful Hoolie School of Music Sessions – this time Duncan Chisholm and Hamish Napier are returning much to the excitement of senior music students at Mallaig High School.  We firmly believe that helping forge a love of reading, is one of the best things we can do for the younger generation, and we feel it’s vital to encourage all aspects of the creative arts, especially traditional music too. As before, all the main events will take place in the comfort of the West Highland Hotel from where on fine days – and yes there are plenty, a fabulous panorama unfolds on Rum, Eigg, Muck, and the jagged outline of the Cuillins of Skye.

Our opening event this year is a real extravaganza – a unique blend of music and literature – Beyond the Swelkie – A Celebration of the Life and Work of George Mackay Brown with Duncan Chisholm, Hamish Napier and poet Jim Macintosh.  And then on Saturday night before dinner, dynamic duo, Ross Ainslie and Tim Edey are back for another of their jaw-dropping performances. So, we guarantee that our Hoolie will be a joyous weekend celebration of books, music, fine food, and great craic, for this is what sets us apart.

Don’t miss updates about our unique event: sign up for our newsletter on our website. A Write Highland Hoolie is the book festival with a difference. Tickets on sale by early summer.